Grand Fiesta Americana Veracruz
Mexican luxury with exclusivity in every detail
Experience luxury and unrivalled grandeur, Grand style.
The perfect place to enjoy this Port city. Our location is accessible to airports, important business centers, and the World Trade Center. Inside the hotel are incredible pools, Flavors of Mexico, a Spa, and elegant facilities.
Grand Fiesta Americana Veracruz
- Savor
- Rejuvenate
- Events
Veracruz is an internationally-known destination where you can try incredible dishes from our restaurants, whether you're in the mood for trendy cuisine, Italian food, or our select international menu.
Our sophisticated and private spa invites you to relax with treatments that will make you feel calm and balanced. Choose your treatment and enjoy a vacation from your vacation.
We offer elegant spaces with a sophisticated environment and incredible details for every event. Whether you're having a business meeting, the wedding of your dreams, conferences, or trade shows. We have the perfect facilities and services that adapt to your needs, such as the great Costa de Oro special event room that can hold up to 600 people in the auditorium and is divisible into four rooms.
Veracruz is an internationally-known destination where you can try incredible dishes from our restaurants, whether you're in the mood for trendy cuisine, Italian food, or our select international menu.
Our sophisticated and private spa invites you to relax with treatments that will make you feel calm and balanced. Choose your treatment and enjoy a vacation from your vacation.
We offer elegant spaces with a sophisticated environment and incredible details for every event. Whether you're having a business meeting, the wedding of your dreams, conferences, or trade shows. We have the perfect facilities and services that adapt to your needs, such as the great Costa de Oro special event room that can hold up to 600 people in the auditorium and is divisible into four rooms.
For "...[...]" left-hand operand: Expected a sequence or string or something automatically convertible to string (number, date or boolean), but this has evaluated to an extended_hash (HashMap wrapped into f.t.DefaultMapAdapter): ==> dataHotel [in template "20115#20151#HOTEL-QUOTE-MODULE-TEMPLATE-1.0.0" at line 6, column 18] ---- Tip: You had a numberical value inside the []. Currently that's only supported for sequences (lists) and strings. To get a Map item with a non-string key, use myMap?api.get(myKey). ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign hotel = dataHotel[0] [in template "20115#20151#HOTEL-QUOTE-MODULE-TEMPLATE-1.0.0" at line 6, column 1] ----
1<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/utils/dictionary.ftl">
2<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/utils/api-hotels.ftl">
3<#assign dataHotel = getHotelByCodeAndBrandCode(HotelCode.getData(), BrandCode.getData()) >
4<#if dataHotel?size != 0 >
6<#assign hotel = dataHotel[0] >
7<!-- partial: component/block/quote-module/quote-module.hbs -->
8<div class="quote-module is-hidden is-carousel content-spacing" data-component="quote-module" data-scroll-component>
9 <div class="content-wrapper" data-content-wrapper>
10 <div class="stamp-wrapper">
12 <!-- partial: component/general/rating-stamp/rating-stamp.hbs -->
13 <div class="rating-stamp " data-component="rating-stamp">
14 <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 171 171">
15 <circle cx="85.5" cy="85.5" r="85" class="outer-circle" fill="none" />
16 <path d="M26.700000000000003 85.5a58.8 58.8 0 1 0 117.6 0 58.8 58.8 0 1 0-117.6 0" id="regular-path" fill="none" />
17 <path d="M37.5 85.5a48.3 48.3 0 1 1 96.6 0 48.3 48.3 0 1 1-96.6 0m48 0" id="flipped-path" fill="none" transform="rotate(170 85.5 85.5)" />
18 <text dx="-40" class="stamp-copy">
19 <textPath xlink:href="#regular-path" text-anchor="middle" startOffset="50%">${_USER_RATING_2[locale]}</textPath>
20 </text>
21 <text dx="40" dy="-3.5" class="stamp-copy is-flipped">
22 <textPath xlink:href="#flipped-path" text-anchor="middle" startOffset="50%">${_USER_RATING_1[locale]}</textPath>
23 </text>
24 <text class="stamp-rating" x="88.355" y="94.812" text-anchor="middle">
25 <tspan class="current-rating">${hotel.rating}</tspan>
26 <tspan dy="-6px" class="total-rating">/5</tspan>
27 </text>
28 </svg>
29 </div>
30 <!-- / component/general/rating-stamp/rating-stamp.hbs -->
31 </div>
32 <div class="carousel-wrapper" data-carousel-wrapper>
33 <h2 class="title heading-3" data-quote-element>${_GUESTS_SAYING[locale]}</h2>
34 <ol class="testimonial-list" data-testimonial-list>
35 <#assign quotes = []>
36 <#if (hotel.quotes)?has_content>
37 <#if hotel.quotes?is_string>
38 <#assign quotes = quotes + [hotel.quotes] >
39 <#else>
40 <#assign quotes = quotes + hotel.quotes >
41 </#if>
42 <#list quotes as quote>
43 <#if quote?has_content && quote != ''>
44 <#assign split = quote?split("|")>
45 <#if split?size = 3>
46 <li class="testimonial-item" data-testimonial-item>
47 <div class="quote-wrapper" data-quote-wrapper>
48 <div data-quote-element>
50 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
51 <#-- <span class="icon quotes-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="quotes"></span> -->
52 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
53 <p class="quote copy-1">${split[0]}</p>
54 </div>
55 <div class="author copy-1" data-quote-element>
56 <span class="name">${split[1]}</span>
57 <span class="date">${split[2]}</span>
58 </div>
59 </div>
60 </li>
61 </#if>
62 </#if>
63 </#list>
64 </#if>
65 </ol>
66 </div>
68 <div class="carousel-controls">
70 <div class="button-wrapper" style="${(quotes?size > 1)?then('', 'visibility:"hidden"')}">
71 <button class="button previous" data-prev-button>
73 <!-- partial: component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
74 <div class="button-arrow direction-left size-big outlined " data-component="button-arrow">
76 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
77 <span class="icon circle-hover-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
78 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
80 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
81 <span class="icon circle-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
82 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
83 <div class="chevron-wrapper">
85 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
86 <span class="icon chevron-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="chevron-right"></span>
87 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
88 </div>
89 </div>
90 <!-- / component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
91 </button>
92 <button class="button next" data-next-button>
94 <!-- partial: component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
95 <div class="button-arrow direction-right size-big outlined " data-component="button-arrow">
97 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
98 <span class="icon circle-hover-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
99 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
101 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
102 <span class="icon circle-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
103 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
104 <div class="chevron-wrapper">
106 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
107 <span class="icon chevron-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="chevron-right"></span>
108 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
109 </div>
110 </div>
111 <!-- / component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
112 </button>
113 </div>
115 <div class="logo">
117 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
118 <span class="icon " data-component="icon" data-icon="tripadvisor"></span>
119 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
120 </div>
121 </div>
122 </div>
124<!-- / component/block/quote-module/quote-module.hbs -->
126 <h1>ERROR!</h1>
For "...[...]" left-hand operand: Expected a sequence or string or something automatically convertible to string (number, date or boolean), but this has evaluated to an extended_hash (HashMap wrapped into f.t.DefaultMapAdapter): ==> dataHotel [in template "20115#20151#ROOM-SELECTOR-TEMPLATE-1.0.0" at line 9, column 29] ---- Tip: You had a numberical value inside the []. Currently that's only supported for sequences (lists) and strings. To get a Map item with a non-string key, use myMap?api.get(myKey). ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #if dataHotel?size != 0 && dataHotel[... [in template "20115#20151#ROOM-SELECTOR-TEMPLATE-1.0.0" at line 9, column 1] ----
1<#assign serviceContext = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContextThreadLocal"].getServiceContext()>
2<#assign themeDisplay = serviceContext.getThemeDisplay() />
3<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/utils/api-hotels.ftl">
4<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/utils/dictionary.ftl">
5<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/utils/url.ftl">
6<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/utils/general.ftl">
7<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/utils/media-links.ftl">
8<#assign dataHotel = getHotelWithRoomsByCodeAndBrandCode(HotelCode.getData(), BrandCode.getData())>
9<#if dataHotel?size != 0 && dataHotel[0].roomLinksContent?? && dataHotel[0].roomLinksContent?size != 0>
10<#if dataHotel[0].roomLinksContent?is_hash>
11 <#assign dataRooms = [dataHotel[0].roomLinksContent]>
13 <#assign dataRooms = dataHotel[0].roomLinksContent>
15<#assign rooms = []>
16<#assign suites = []>
17<#list dataRooms as Room>
18 <#if Room.category == "standardRoom" >
19 <#assign rooms = rooms + [Room]>
20 <#else>
21 <#assign suites = suites + [Room]>
22 </#if>
25<!-- partial: component/block/room-selector/room-selector.hbs -->
26<section class="room-selector content-spacing is-hidden" data-component="room-selector" data-scroll-component>
28 <div class="rooms-gallery-wrapper">
30 <div data-tabs>
32 <!-- partial: component/block/sticky-tab-header/sticky-tab-header.hbs -->
33 <div class="sticky-tab-header is-hidden" data-component="sticky-tab-header" data-scroll-component>
34 <div class="content-wrapper">
35 <div class="tabs-list-wrapper" data-tabs-header>
36 <div class="drag-wrapper" data-drag-wrapper>
37 <ul class="tabs-list" data-tabs-list>
38 <#if rooms?size != 0>
39 <li class="tabs-item" data-tab-nav-item>
40 <span data-tab-label>${_ROOMS[locale]} <sup>x${rooms?size}</sup></span>
41 </li>
42 </#if>
43 <#if suites?size != 0>
44 <li class="tabs-item" data-tab-nav-item>
45 <span data-tab-label>Suites <sup>x${suites?size}</sup></span>
46 </li>
47 </#if>
48 </ul>
49 <span class="underline" data-active-indicator></span>
50 </div>
51 </div>
52 </div>
53 </div>
54 <!-- / component/block/sticky-tab-header/sticky-tab-header.hbs -->
56 <div class="gallery-overflow">
57 <div class="content-wrapper">
59 <div class="gallery-wrapper" data-rooms-wrapper data-tab-content-container>
60 <#assign tabs = [rooms, suites] >
62 <#list tabs as tab>
63 <#if tab?size != 0>
64 <div class="tab-content" data-tab-content>
66 <!-- partial: component/block/room-selector-slider/room-selector-slider.hbs -->
67 <section class="room-selector-slider is-hidden" data-component="room-selector-slider" data-scroll-component>
68 <div class="gallery-wrapper" data-gallery-wrapper>
69 <div class="rooms-overflow-wrapper">
70 <div class="rooms-wrapper" data-gallery>
71 <#list tab as room>
72 <div class="room" data-gallery-item>
73 <div class="image-wrapper" data-room-image>
75 <!-- partial: component/general/picture/picture.hbs -->
76 <picture class="main-visual" data-component="picture">
77 <#-- <source media="(min-width: 768px)" srcset="fiesta-americana/image/room-selector/room-01.jpg"> -->
78 <#assign image = getRoomPreviewImageXS(room.mediaLinks) >
79 <img class="visual" src="${image}" alt="${}">
80 </picture>
81 <!-- / component/general/picture/picture.hbs -->
82 </div>
83 <div class="detail-wrapper">
84 <h3 class="room-name heading-4">${}</h3>
85 <ul class="amenity-list">
86 <#if room.totalCapacity?has_content>
87 <li class="amenity-item">
88 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
89 <span class="icon amenity-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="person-icon"></span>
90 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
91 ${_CAPACITY[locale]?replace("%capacity%", room.totalCapacity)}</li>
92 </#if>
94 <#if room.beds?has_content>
95 <li class="amenity-item">
96 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
97 <span class="icon amenity-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="bed-icon"></span>
98 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
99 <#if !room.beds?is_string >
100 ${room.beds} ${_BED[locale]}${(room.beds != 1)?then("s", "")}</li>
101 </#if>
102 </#if>
104 <#if room.dimension?has_content>
105 <li class="amenity-item">
106 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
107 <span class="icon amenity-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="size-icon"></span>
108 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
109 ${room.dimension}</li>
110 </#if>
111 </ul>
112 <div class="cta-link-wrapper">
114 <!-- partial: component/general/cta-link/cta-link.hbs -->
115 <a href="${getRoomBaseUrl(dataHotel[0].friendlyUrlHotel, room.friendlyUrlRoom)}" class="cta-link outlined " title="${_SEE_MORE[locale]}" data-component="cta-link">
116 <span class="button-type copy">${_SEE_MORE[locale]}</span>
118 <!-- partial: component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
119 <div class="button-arrow direction-right size-small outlined " data-component="button-arrow">
121 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
122 <span class="icon circle-hover-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
123 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
125 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
126 <span class="icon circle-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
127 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
128 <div class="chevron-wrapper">
130 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
131 <span class="icon chevron-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="chevron-right"></span>
132 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
133 </div>
134 </div>
135 <!-- / component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
136 </a>
137 <!-- / component/general/cta-link/cta-link.hbs -->
138 </div>
139 </div>
140 </div>
141 </#list>
142 </div>
143 </div>
144 </div>
146 <div class="controls-wrapper">
147 <ul class="controls-list">
148 <li>
149 <button class="control-button" data-control-button-prev>
150 <!-- partial: component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
151 <div class="button-arrow direction-left size-big outlined " data-component="button-arrow">
153 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
154 <span class="icon circle-hover-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
155 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
157 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
158 <span class="icon circle-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
159 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
160 <div class="chevron-wrapper">
162 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
163 <span class="icon chevron-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="chevron-right"></span>
164 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
165 </div>
166 </div>
167 <!-- / component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
168 </button>
169 </li>
170 <li>
171 <button class="control-button" data-control-button-next>
172 <!-- partial: component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
173 <div class="button-arrow direction-right size-big outlined " data-component="button-arrow">
175 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
176 <span class="icon circle-hover-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
177 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
179 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
180 <span class="icon circle-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
181 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
182 <div class="chevron-wrapper">
184 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
185 <span class="icon chevron-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="chevron-right"></span>
186 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
187 </div>
188 </div>
189 <!-- / component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
190 </button>
191 </li>
192 </ul>
193 </div>
195 <div class="bullets-wrapper">
197 <!-- partial: component/general/bullets/bullets.hbs -->
198 <ol class="bullet-list" data-bullet-list data-component="bullets">
199 <#list tab as room>
200 <li class="bullet" data-bullet>
201 <span class="icon"></span>
202 </li>
203 </#list>
204 </ol>
205 <!-- / component/general/bullets/bullets.hbs -->
206 </div>
208 </section>
209 <!-- / component/block/room-selector-slider/room-selector-slider.hbs -->
210 </div>
211 </#if>
212 </#list>
213 </div>
214 </div>
215 </div>
216 </div>
217 </div>
219<!-- / component/block/room-selector/room-selector.hbs -->
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> [in template "20115#20151#HOTEL-SUGGESTION-MODULE-TEMPLATE-1.0.0" at line 35, column 70] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: ${} [in template "20115#20151#HOTEL-SUGGESTION-MODULE-TEMPLATE-1.0.0" at line 35, column 68] ----
1<#import "${fullTemplatesPath}/shared/cta-button.ftl" as cta>
3<#assign serviceContext = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContextThreadLocal"].getServiceContext()>
4<#assign themeDisplay = serviceContext.getThemeDisplay() />
5<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/utils/api-hotels.ftl">
6<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/utils/dictionary.ftl">
7<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/utils/general.ftl">
8<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/utils/media-links.ftl">
9<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/utils/url.ftl">
10<#assign dataHotels = getHotelsByBrand(BrandCode.getData())>
13 <!-- partial: component/block/hotel-suggestion-module/hotel-suggestion-module.hbs -->
14 <#if dataHotels?has_content>
15 <div class="hotel-suggestion-module content-spacing" data-component="hotel-suggestion-module">
16 <div class="wrapper">
18 <div class="title-wrapper">
19 <div class="content-wrapper">
20 <h2 class="title">${_SIMILAR_OPTIONS[locale]}</h2>
21 </div>
22 </div>
24 <div class="layout-wrapper">
25 <div class="visual-wrapper">
26 <div class="content-wrapper">
27 <ol class="visual-list" data-visual-carousel>
28 <#list dataHotels as hotel>
29 <#assign imageLarge = getHotelHeroImage(hotel.mediaLinks)>
30 <#assign imageSmall = getHotelHeroImageXS(hotel.mediaLinks)>
31 <li class="visual-item" data-visual-item>
32 <!-- partial: component/general/picture/picture.hbs -->
33 <picture class="main-visual" data-component="picture">
34 <source media="(min-width: 768px)" srcset="${imageLarge}">
35 <img class="visual" src="${imageSmall}" alt="${}">
36 </picture>
37 <!-- / component/general/picture/picture.hbs -->
38 </li>
39 </#list>
40 </ol>
41 </div>
42 </div>
44 <div class="copy-carousel-wrapper" data-carousel-wrapper>
45 <ol class="copy-list" data-carousel-list>
46 <#list dataHotels as hotelData>
48 <li class="copy-item" data-carousel-item>
49 <div class="content-wrapper">
50 <div class="offset-wrapper">
51 <div class="copy-wrapper">
52 <h3 class="heading heading-5" data-heading>${}</h3>
53 <p class="copy copy-1" data-copy>
54 <#assign description = removeHtml(hotelData.shortDescription) />
55 <#assign limit = 400/>
56 <#assign trunk = false>
57 <#if limit gt description?length>
58 ${description}
59 <#else>
60 ${description?substring(0,limit)}...
61 </#if>
62 </p>
63 <!-- partial: component/general/cta-button/cta-button.hbs -->
64 <@cta.button text="${_LEARN_MORE[locale]}" url=getHotelUrl(hotelData.friendlyUrlHotel) class="primary is-outline"/>
65 <!-- / component/general/cta-button/cta-button.hbs -->
66 </div>
67 </div>
68 </div>
69 </li>
70 </#list>
71 </ol>
72 </div>
73 </div>
75 <div class="nav-hotel-wrapper content-wrapper">
76 <div class="nav-hotel">
77 <div class="carousel-counter">
78 <div class="counter-wrapper">
79 <div class="wrapper">
80 <div class="counter">
81 <span class="counter-number current" data-counter-current>01</span>
82 <span class="counter-number total" data-counter-total>05</span>
83 </div>
84 <span class="progress" data-progress></span>
85 </div>
86 </div>
87 </div>
89 <div class="controls-wrapper">
90 <div class="button" data-button-previous>
92 <!-- partial: component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
93 <div class="button-arrow direction-left size-big outlined " data-component="button-arrow">
95 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
96 <span class="icon circle-hover-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
97 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
99 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
100 <span class="icon circle-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
101 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
102 <div class="chevron-wrapper">
104 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
105 <span class="icon chevron-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="chevron-right"></span>
106 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
107 </div>
108 </div>
109 <!-- / component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
110 </div>
111 <div class="button" data-button-next>
113 <!-- partial: component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
114 <div class="button-arrow direction-right size-big outlined " data-component="button-arrow">
116 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
117 <span class="icon circle-hover-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
118 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
120 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
121 <span class="icon circle-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="circle"></span>
122 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
123 <div class="chevron-wrapper">
125 <!-- partial: component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
126 <span class="icon chevron-icon" data-component="icon" data-icon="chevron-right"></span>
127 <!-- / component/general/icon/icon.hbs -->
128 </div>
129 </div>
130 <!-- / component/general/button-arrow/button-arrow.hbs -->
131 </div>
132 </div>
133 </div>
134 </div>
136 <div class="bullets-wrapper" style="position: relative; text-align: center; margin-top: 2rem;">
138 <!-- partial: component/general/bullets/bullets.hbs -->
139 <ol class="bullet-list" data-bullet-list data-component="bullets">
140 <#list dataHotels as hotel>
141 <li class="bullet" data-bullet>
142 <span class="icon"></span>
143 </li>
144 </#list>
145 </ol>
146 <!-- / component/general/bullets/bullets.hbs -->
147 </div>
148 </div>
149 </div>
150 <!-- / component/block/hotel-suggestion-module/hotel-suggestion-module.hbs -->